
The content of The Social Interface is provided for your interest and information.  Nothing on The Social Interface constitutes legal or expert advice of any kind. 

The contributions and comments represent the views of their authors and not of the editors or sponsors of the blog or the employers of the contributors.  Please do not rely on the content of the blog to do anything other than make you think.

If you would like to reproduce any of the content on The Social Interface, please contact the editors at editors@thesocialinterface.com so that we can assist in obtaining necessary permissions where appropriate.

While contributions are by invitation only, comments are open to the public.  The Social Interface does not monitor comments before they are posted, but the editors will endeavour to quickly remove offensive content that comes to our attention. 

We encourage and welcome heated and robust debate, but we request that you are courteous and respectful in your comments.

This blog and all material posted on it is made available on an 'as is' basis.  The Social Interface excludes all express and statutory warranties to the extent permitted by law.

Photo by tm-tm, made available by Creative Commons licence via Flickr.